
Smart Advice

WASK guides you with smart advice so that your campaigns get more successful results.

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Change optimization type to impression
Change optimization type to impression
Change optimization type to impression

Get advices for Google Campaign

Get advices for Google Campaign

Follow future impressions and clicks of your keywords

By following closely the ups and downs of the search volume of the keywords in the next terms in your Google campaigns, you can use your budget more effectively and thus you will not miss your potential customers in the future.

Smart Advice

Discover new keywords

You can identify keywords that you have not included in your campaigns but have high search volumes and add them to your campaign.

Smart Advice List

Follow lost impression share

You can improve your campaigns by following the impression share of your ads in searches and their reasons.


Get advices for Facebook Campaign

Get advices for Facebook Campaign

Discover failed placements

WASK notifies you of the low performance areas where your ads are published, according to the results of your ads. Automatically get the smart advice and get more successful campaign results.

Age Distribution Recommendations

Age Distribution Recommendations

By analyzing the age groups of people who see your ad, you can discover the age groups that perform well.

Mobile Ads Advices

Find Successful Devices

Take a detailed look at the device performance of visitors who have interacted with your campaigns.

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